Okay, so, here goes.
My friend has a costume that she wears every now and then that makes her all warm and fuzzy inside. She's currently out of state, across the country even! And we talked about it, and decided that I should get a costume of my very own, so we can wear our costumes when I stay with her. And I'm so excited. :3
I'd tell you what I'm getting, buuuuuuuut only a few people know what it is, because they're very close to me. Other than that, I wanna keep it a secret. Sorry. ;D There is a BIG clue in this post though. ;D
So, I have to save up because at least one thing in my costume costs 80 dollars!! With shipping, It's about 100! But it's worth it. <3
I currently have $32.77 dollars of the $120 I'd like to have. So, I'm not too close, but it's a start!
I'm so excited. :3
Desert Destroyah
My friend has a costume that she wears every now and then that makes her all warm and fuzzy inside. She's currently out of state, across the country even! And we talked about it, and decided that I should get a costume of my very own, so we can wear our costumes when I stay with her. And I'm so excited. :3
I'd tell you what I'm getting, buuuuuuuut only a few people know what it is, because they're very close to me. Other than that, I wanna keep it a secret. Sorry. ;D There is a BIG clue in this post though. ;D
So, I have to save up because at least one thing in my costume costs 80 dollars!! With shipping, It's about 100! But it's worth it. <3
I currently have $32.77 dollars of the $120 I'd like to have. So, I'm not too close, but it's a start!
I'm so excited. :3
Desert Destroyah
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